

Massage - Massage is the manual manipulation of soft tissue. Different pressures and techniques are used depending on the individual needs of each client. Massage can help reduce pain, inflammation, edema, muscle stiffness and increase flexibility.

Cupping Therapy - A therapist uses special cups to create suction. This allows us to create space within the tissue, giving stretch to muscle, connective tissue and blood vessels. Cupping therapy may leave temporary marks on the treated area that typically last about a week. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

RockBlades - This technique is the use of a surgical steel soft tissue tool. The practitioner uses this tool at different speeds and depths to produce different results from your muscle tissue and nervous system.

RockTape - Muscle tape used to promote blood flow, stability or movement patterns depending on how it is applied.

Pregnancy Massage - We have a Pregnancy table with an adjustable sling that allows mom to lay face down throughout her pregnancy. We do a thorough intake to make sure mom and baby are safe. Massage during pregnancy can have wonderful benefits for the changing bodies of mom.

Corporate and Event Massage - Massage in the office or at a special event including sporting events and charity events. Please contact us for more info